A recruitment provider can talk to no end about their proposition and how or why they might approach the recruitment process uniquely. However, the underpinning factors for truly successful hiring practices lie with how effectively the relationship between the provider and the organisation plays out.
In the past, we’ve written about the need for recruitment practices to be partnership-driven, as opposed to a historical culture of transactional undertakings. The partnership-driven approach has become an industry mandate amid an ever-competitive landscape where hiring decisions can make or break a business.
With that in mind, we’ve put together five critical things companies can do to uphold their role in fostering successful hiring outcomes.
Communicate Key Changes
If the brief changes, remember to communicate it to your recruitment provider. There is nothing more unnerving for a new hire than them showing up on ‘day one’ and realising the selection criteria or responsibilities of the role have changed – it’s an all too common scenario in lower-skill industries.
On the permanent side, if the brief changes, communicating it to your recruitment provider sooner rather than later is the best course of action. That way the time invested in finding a suitable candidate is spent sourcing the correct skills and attributes.
Keeping an open dialogue going about vacancies and any potential changes, is not only best practice and good courtesy, but it cultivates a higher chance of appointing the right person, which is ultimately the best outcome for everybody.
Know And Trust The Process
A competent and partnership-driven 360° recruitment provider will have both a robust network and a thorough and best practice vetting process. If you’re engaging a new provider, don’t be afraid to ask them to disclose their process and what due diligence they undertake to ensure they are putting the best possible recruits forward. References should be above board and documented, with the same principle applying for the workplace, health, safety, and visa checks.
Ensure Your Onboarding Processes Are Both Adequate And Engaging
There is a stack of evidence that backs up the knowledge that successful induction improves both retention and engagement, thus the business bottom line. Preparation, consistency, early engagement from key stakeholders and senior management, and streamlined onboarding processes are all paramount to ensuring any new hire (be it a contractor or a long-term employee) has the best possible start in their role in order to successfully contribute.
All of the above, combined with appointing onboarding champions within the business to help facilitate these practices, are must-haves, particularly at a time where we know the cost of recruitment to be astronomical in a big-picture sense.
Advocate Partnership-Driven Relationships, Not Transactional
First and foremost, it is your recruitment provider’s role to set the tone when it comes to ensuring your relationship is partnership-driven and not merely transactional. We know cheap and transactional dynamics are costly in the long run, and a partnership-driven approach is the way forward in terms of streamlined communication and a more strategic approach to hiring.
Recognise The Value In Hiring Attitude Over Skills
According to Business Insider Australia, findings from a recent survey of 2,257 hiring managers revealed 29% “made a bad hire because they focused on skills and not attitude”. The case for hiring attitude over skills is a shift savvy companies are increasingly embracing, particularly in lower skillset industries where those with the right attributes are likely to be successful given the right training.
Have you got questions about this article or about staffing needs? Phone us at Blaze Staffing Solutions on 1300 008 005 to speak with one of our recruitment specialists or email us at info@blazestaffing.com.au